Stick one in the m2 snapshot repository on p.o.a and point
Configuration to that.

There's no release process for those, they're akin to nightly builds.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 6:19 AM, Ralph Goers <> wrote:
> If we aren't going to release real soon is there any process for publishing
> a SNAPSHOT? I have a bunch of stuff for Configuration I'd really like to
> commit but I can't because Commons Configuration will now have a dependency
> on Commons VFS 2.0-SNAPSHOT.
> Ralph
> On Mar 21, 2009, at 4:55 PM, Jörg Schaible wrote:
>> Sergey Vladimirov wrote:
>>> Personally, I would like to see some issues to be resolved before 2.0
>>> release, because they can create incompatibility with previous releases
>>> in
>>> some way.
>>> - VFS-169 is the example of such issue (changing default behavior of
>>> toString() to use friendly URI)
>> this is already on my plate for 2.0 ...
>>> - VFS-203 (if it's going to be fixed at all, it should be done in mayor
>>> release)
>>> Some JIRA issues do have patches and they just need to be
>>> tested/committed/closed. Before release.
>>> Anyway, +1 for 2.0 release soon - it's been too long since last release.
>> - Jörg
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