Googling led me to the httpclient thread you started.  If there is no runtime 
dependency I am fine with it.  :)


--- On Wed, 3/18/09, sebb <> wrote:

> From: sebb <>
> Subject: [LANG] 3.0 JCIP Annotations
> To: "Commons Developers List" <>
> Date: Wednesday, March 18, 2009, 10:51 AM
> I've added JCIP annotations jar to
> the POM, but not started adding any
> actual annotations yet.
> The idea would be to annotate every class as one of
> @Immutable
> @ThreadSafe
> @NotThreadSafe
> These annotation appear in the Javadoc output in the class
> description.
> Also, for objects that need synchronization to ensure
> thread safety,
> add the annotation
> @GuardedBy
> Are there any objections to proceeding with this?
> It's probably easiest to deal with @Immutable first, then
> @ThreadSafe.
> If no annotation is present, then the user _should_ assume
> that the
> class is @NotThreadSafe, but I think it would be better to
> always have
> an annotation so that it's clear it has not been
> accidentally left
> off.
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