There'll be a lot of work in 3.0 I suspect. I'm going to pretend to
organize it, y'all willing.

= New JDK work done in most recent burst (r749101:r754602) =

* JDK 1.5 will be the targetted JVM.
* Deprecated code deleted.
* Enum, Enums, NestableExceptions and Random code moved to a
backcompat location.
* EnumUtils class added.
* StopWatch moved to nanoTime.
* Numerous source quality fixes from Sebb.
* @Override added.
* JIRA rearranged to contain '3.0 - items for consideration for 3.0',
'2.x - bugs against the old version, especially for the back-compat
code', and Unversioned which contains issues that are ideas that may
or may not be applicable to Lang and generally lack patches.
* IDKey made package private (was new since 2.4).

= Coders Wanted =

* Implementation of varargs across the library. LANG-396.
* Turn the back-compat code into a buildable with a pom.xml and
whatever restructuring and bugfixing is needed.
* Generics thinking. [LANG-336 was a start there]
* General issue investigation.

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