On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 21:00 -0700, Henri Yandell wrote:
[ . . . ]
> The site is the CLI2 site. Post release I'm going to create a CLI-1
> site and split the two, demoting the CLI2 site to the sandbox. Anyone
> at Apache will then be open to digging in on CLI2 and bringing it to a
> release state.
> Lesson being... rewrites are new components. New components start in
> the sandbox.

Does this mean there will be changes to the structure of the Commons CLI
related Subversion repository?

(I ask because I currently use Bazaar and Git as my Subversion clients
and doing a fresh branch/clone of Commons CLI (or any branch thereof)
takes a couple of days because all the Commons are in a single
Subversion repository and that repository has quite a lot of revisions
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