On Mar 6, 2009, at 12:59 PM, Jörg Schaible wrote:

Hi folks,

it has been a while since I committed last time something to configuration. It has been improved a lot since then and one of the newer features are the user defined StrLookup support. However, nothing is perfect and I'd like to
work somewhat on it. My proposed

1/ While it is quite easy to register a global StrLookup, it is not so easy to work with the local ones. Especially since those are no longer available
for a SubsetConfiguration:


assertEquals("bar", config.getString("moduleA.value"));
assertEquals("bar", config.subset("moduleA").getString("value"));

The second assert fails. I've prepared patches to support this scenario.

This makes sense. But the same thing needs to work it if is a HierarchicalConfiguration. So if the caller does config.configurationAt("moduleA").getString("value") it needs to also work.

Also, make sure any patches also get applied to the experimental branch. In general, the goal of the experimental branch is to only deal with hierarchical configurations and treat property files as just a simpler variation of that.

2/ In my use case I have a big "unified" configuration, actually based on a CompositeConfiguration with an overloaded createInterpolator method. The
configuration itself combines system properties, an individual
configuration for a module and a default configuration file. Each module will use then its own subset (so it can be used or tested individually),
but the scenario allows me to override every configuration value from
command line or use a default value in the standard file. However,
sometimes the individual modules share some settings and therefore I
invented auto-lookups based on a local StrLookup. These auto-lookup are
defined automatically using the keys in the configuration itself, i.e.


- "auto.lookup" defines the root node for the automatically registered local lookups (the name of this root can be set individually for a configuration)
- the next node defines the namespace of the lookup
- all nodes below "auto.lookup.XXX" are part of the local lookup
- even for subsets of the individual modules these local auto- lookups work:

As said I've implemented this currently in a derived class of
CompositeConfiguration, but it might be added to AbstractConfiguration. The name of the auto-lookup root is provided as ctor param. The local StrLookup itself is again based on a Configuration (actually a subset of the name
giving node).


I tend not to use CompositeConfiguration - we only use HierarchicalConfigurations which CompositeConfiguration unfortunately doesn't support.

Basically it looks like you created a new Lookup class and a way to populate data the Lookup uses. I'm OK with that. However, the devil is in the details. How the Lookup gets populated from the Configuration would be worth a look-see. Again, this feature should also work for HierarchicalConfigurations.

Just as an FYI - I have made some enhancements to allow Commons Configuration to leverage Commons VFS. I haven't committed them because they need the latest Commons VFS code and since those haven't been released the Commons Configuraton build would fail. Commons VFS won't be required at runtime unless the user wants to take advantage of this.


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