
> Four of the tests fail if I apply the patch:
> Failed tests:
>  testDeleteDir(org.apache.commons.compress.changes.ChangeSetTestCase)
>  testDeletePlusAdd(org.apache.commons.compress.changes.ChangeSetTestCase)
>  testAddDeleteAdd(org.apache.commons.compress.changes.ChangeSetTestCase)
>  testDeleteAddDelete(org.apache.commons.compress.changes.ChangeSetTestCase)
> I've disabled those tests and changed AbstractTestCase to actually log
> why it fails.  In each of the four cases there is an enexpected entry
> inside the archive:
>  testDeleteDir         unexpected entry: bla/test4.xml
>  testDeletePlusAdd     unexpected entry: bla/test4.xml
>  testAddDeleteAdd      unexpected entry: blub/test.txt
>  testDeleteAddDelete   unexpected entry: bla/test.txt

yes, I know that. The ChangeSet Implementation isn't finished
currently. We (means: Torsten and myself) spoke at the list about the
expected results, and I implemented them. Now I have to work on the
ChangeSet itself to provide the expected results.

> In a follow-up commit I fixed whitespace.  Please set your editor to
> not use any TABs at all.

OK, will do. Sorry for that.

Cheers + thanks for the commit,

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