Hi there,
Yep - I don't know of anyone with strong interest in CLI2, which
should be viewed as an experimental unreleased branch imo.

I'm really interessted in it, cause I'm using this state im my project, cause the usage is very simple and gives me exactly what i need...


What is exactly the problem to get a release out ? Support in doing it ?
May be i can help ?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
SoftwareEntwicklung Beratung Schulung    Tel.: +49 (0) 2405 / 415 893
Dipl.Ing.(FH) Karl Heinz Marbaise        ICQ#: 135949029
Hauptstrasse 177                         USt.IdNr: DE191347579
52146 Würselen                           http://www.soebes.de

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