Hello everybody,

as announced I have created a project on the Google Code
(http://code.google.com/p/jau/) and checked in some code.
Version 0.5 Beta is ready for download
Source Code: http://jau.googlecode.com/files/jau-0.5.zip
JavaDoc: http://jau.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/JAU/doc/api/index.html

And here come some questions ;-)
The project was started at Google Code as I was not able to start it
in the Apache Commons sandbox.
Is there any chance I could contribute the code to the Apache Commons?
Is it something I should aspire? Or is it better to leave the code on
Google Code and make it an independent library?

I could think of some advantages of the code to be in the Commons.

BTW: any questions/suggestions about the API or the implementation are welcome!


On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Tim Lebedkov <tim.lebed...@web.de> wrote:
> Hello James,
> in my current code the allFields property of the @EqualsClass
> annotation controls whether all fields are automatically used, like
> this:
>    // the simplest case
>    @EqualsClass(allFields=true)
>    private static final class OneField {
>        public int value;
>    }
> ...and additionally @EqualsProperty annotation can be used to choose
> fields like this:
> @EqualsClass
>    private static final class ProtectedField {
>        @EqualsProperty
>        protected int value;
>        private int value2; // this is not used in equals, because it
> is not annotated
>    }
> I have just started to write the code and even the names of the
> annotations could change, as I would try to align the usage of
> annotations
> with similar cases (e.g. EJB3).
> I also have been thinking about annotating whole packages...
> Annotating the getters could be also useful.
> Regards
> --Tim
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 7:21 PM, James Carman <ja...@carmanconsulting.com> 
> wrote:
>> I wouldn't think you'd want the AutomaticEquals stuff to be at the
>> top-level, necessarily.  Can you annotate property getters or perhaps
>> the fields themselves?
>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Tim Lebedkov <tim.lebed...@web.de> wrote:
>>> Hello Viraj,
>>> the first case (@XYZ) is how I thought about it (see also the test
>>> code in the attachment). This way .equals() could be implemented
>>> automatically.
>>> Of course you have to override the equals() method like this, if you
>>> would like it to behave "as designed":
>>> // maybe some sort of postprocessing for class files could make this 
>>> unnecessary
>>> @Override
>>> public boolean equals(Object b) {
>>>    return Automatic.equals(this, b);
>>> }
>>> the second case also looks interesting and may be useful.
>>> Regards
>>> --Tim
>>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:57 PM, Viraj Turakhia <virajturak...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> HI Tim,
>>>> This project interests me. Would like to know more about it.
>>>> Could you please explain this better?
>>>> I am confused, what will I do if I want my class's objects to be
>>>> compared using XYZ.equals();?
>>>> Will I write it as:
>>>> @XYZ
>>>> public class MyClass{
>>>> ...
>>>> ...
>>>> ...
>>>> }
>>>> or
>>>> @Annot(equals="XYZ" compareTo="MyComparator")
>>>> public class MyClass{
>>>> ...
>>>> ...
>>>> ...
>>>> }
>>>> LMK.
>>>> -v
>>>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Tim Lebedkov <tim.lebed...@web.de> wrote:
>>>>> Hello dev@commons.apache.org reader,
>>>>> I would like to start a new project (in the sandbox?) for annotation
>>>>> based implementation of methods like equals.
>>>>> The idea is to annotate a class like this:
>>>>> @AutomaticEquals
>>>>> class Test {
>>>>>    private int a;
>>>>> }
>>>>> and compare 2 instances of this class using
>>>>> AutomaticEquals.equals(test1, test2).
>>>>> Which would work just like
>>>>> org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this,
>>>>> obj);
>>>>> Additional candidates for annotation based implementations could be
>>>>> toString() and compare() and clone().
>>>>> So here are my questions:
>>>>> - is it OK to start a project like this here or should I start one for
>>>>> example on code.google.com and move the code later to apache.org?
>>>>> - if yes, what would be my next steps?
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> --Tim
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