Stefan Bodewig schrieb:
On 2009-01-19, Oliver Heger <> wrote:

Stefan Bodewig schrieb:

The currently failing build of configuration-test uses the configured
depenencies and downlads them from Maven central except for:

* Xerces
* Xalan
* xml-apis
* xml-resolver
* Ant
* JUnit

The tests passed inside Gump when only Xerces, xml-apis and
xml-resolver were coming from trunk.

I'll now revert the Gump descriptor to require only JUnit in addition
to Xerces and hope it is going to get sorted before Xalan and Ant that

I hope this works!

Whatever it tells us.  The current run used Gump artifacts for

* Xerces
* xml-apis
* xml-resolver
* Ant
* JUnit

and passed.

This means that it is the more recent version of Xalan that makes the
tests fail if it is included.  Maybe it takes the combination of the
most recent Xalan with the most recent Xerces.

Oliver, can you modify the POM to use the latest release of the above
projects (I don't think ant and/or JUnit ar related) plus Xalan-J and
see whether your tests still pass locally?

I set the dependencies to the following versions:
* XercesImpl: 2.9.1
* Xalan: 2.7.1
* xml-apis: 2.0.2 (however, this seems to be redirected to 1.0.b2)
* xml-resolver: 1.2
* ant: 1.7.0
* JUnit: 4.5

The tests are still passing?! (I tested with JDK 1.5 and 1.6.)



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