This vote has passed with 5 +1s from:

Luc Maisonobe
Oliver Heger
Rahul Akolkar
Jörg Schaible
Phil Steitz  (see recent v2.0 vote thread for vote cast)

Thanks to everyone for taking a look, especially during the holidays.

I will complete the pending tasks for both v1.8.1 and v2.0 and send
out announcements by Monday or Tuesday.


On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 3:04 AM, Rahul Akolkar <> wrote:
> This is a vote to release the following artifacts as Commons Digester 1.8.1:
> This is a point release, with a handful of bugfixes and improvements
> from the last couple of years. The recent v2.0 requires JDK 1.5 so
> this release will benefit projects that haven't or can't make that
> move yet.
> SVN tag is here:
> ------------
> [ ] +1 for release
> [ ] +0
> [ ] -0
> [ ] -1 for release because...
> ------------
> Notes:
>  * There are a number of (mostly unavoidable) traces when running the tests
>  * The staged site is upto date but not all that important, since the
> site will go live from trunk
>  * Vote will run for atleast 72 hours
> TIA,
> -Rahul

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