Phil Steitz a écrit :
> Ted Dunning wrote:
>> I just check on how sbcl handles this.  The result was mixed, but
>> instructive as predicted.
>> Positive and negative infinity behave as expected.
>> ** (/ 1 0.0)
>> * (/ -1 0.0)
>> *
>> *
>> Square roots of negative infinity work as for option 3.
>> ** (sqrt (/ -1 .0))
>> *
>> Fourth roots are reasonable as well.
>> ** (sqrt (sqrt (/ -1 0.0)))
>> *
>> But, the exponentiation operator is inconsistent with these results and
>> behaves like option (1) (without documentation as far as I can tell).
>> ** (expt (/ -1 .0) 0.25)
>> * (expt (/ -1 .0) 0.5)
> Thanks, Ted.   This is instructive.  R also handles square roots in a
> sort of 3)-like way, but inconsistently and without maintaining z =
> sqrt(z) * sqrt(z).  Arg works as expected, consistent with atan2 (what
> we use now); but Arg(sqrt(z)) = Arg(z)/2 fails in the lower half-plane.
>> z <- complex(real=Inf, imaginary=0)
>> Arg(z)
> [1] 0
>> sqrt(z)
> [1] Inf+0i
>> Arg(sqrt(z))
> [1] 0
>> sqrt(z)*sqrt(z)
> [1] Inf+NaNi
>> z <- complex(real=0, imaginary=Inf)
>> Arg(z)
> [1] 1.570796
>> sqrt(z)
> [1] Inf+Infi
>> Arg(sqrt(z))
> [1] 0.7853982
>> sqrt(z)*sqrt(z)
> [1] NaN+Infi
>> z <- complex(real=-Inf, imaginary=Inf)
>> sqrt(z)
> [1] Inf+Infi
>> Arg(z)
> [1] 2.356194
>> Arg(sqrt(z))
> [1] 0.7853982
>> sqrt(z)*sqrt(z)
> [1] NaN+Infi
>> z <- complex(real=-Inf, imaginary=0)
>> Arg(z)
> [1] 3.141593
>> sqrt(z)
> [1] 0+Infi
>> Arg(sqrt(z))
> [1] 1.570796
>> sqrt(z)*sqrt(z)
> [1] -Inf+NaNi
>> z <- complex(real=-Inf, imaginary=-Inf)
>> Arg(z)
> [1] -2.356194
>> sqrt(z)
> [1] Inf-Infi
>> Arg(sqrt(z))
> [1] -0.7853982
>> sqrt(z)*sqrt(z)
> [1] NaN-Infi
> The problem with 3) is that it unfortunately *only* works for sqrt and
> 4th roots.  Doh!  The problem is that pi/4 splits are the only args that
> you can "reasonably" represent with real and imaginary parts from {0,
> +-Inf}.  The implementation of atan2 collapses all args for pairs with
> an infinite element into these, which makes sense from a limit perspective.
> So I think we are left with either 1) or 2) or finding a "standard" impl
> or spec to imitate.  Unfortunatly, the C99x standard is not public and I
> don't recall complex nth roots being included there in any case.   If
> anyone knows of a reasonable public standard to implement here, that
> would be great to at least look at.

Solution 2 seems a good compromise to me. It is reasonably logical and
could probably be implemented simply. Solution 1 looks clumsy and we
could probably not withstand it on the long run, which would imply
breaking compatibility some day to go back to a more definitive solution.

> An improvement to 1), lets call it 1.5),  that would make behavior a
> little less strange would be to avoid the NaNs from Inf * 0 and the
> "spurious" Infs from Inf * cos(phi) or Inf * sin(phi) where rounding
> error has moved phi off an analytical 0.  You can see examples of both
> of these in first two infinite test cases in as it is
> today.  If  the code was changed to work around these cases,  the square
> roots of Inf + 0i, for example, would be {Inf + 0i, -Inf + 0i}.
> I have not tested this, but it looks to me like the NaN in the first
> root is from Inf * 0 and the -Inf in the imaginary part of the second
> root is from Inf * sin(phi) with phi  from 2 * pi / 2 just slightly
> greater than pi.

Is this simpler or more difficult to implement than 2 ? If simpler, then
this could be a reasonable solution too.


> Phil
>> *
>> On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Ted Dunning <>
>> wrote:
>>> I think that (2) is the easiest for a user to understand.  Obviously,
>>> the
>>> documentation aspect of (1) should be brought along.
>>> The behavior of Common Lisp is always instructive in these regards.  The
>>> complex arithmetic was generally very well thought out.
>>> On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 7:14 PM, Phil Steitz <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>  ... I noticed another thing.   Behavior for complex numbers with
>>>> NaN and
>>>>> infinite parts is, well, "interesting."  It is consistent with what
>>>>> we do
>>>>> elsewhere in this class to just apply computational formulas and
>>>>> document
>>>>> behavior for infinite and NaN; but the current implementation is
>>>>> hard to
>>>>> document correctly and the results are a little strange for
>>>>> infinite values.
>>>>> I see three reasonable choices here, and am interested in others'
>>>>> opinions.  Please select from the following or suggest something else.
>>>>> 1) Leave as is and just point out that the computational formula will
>>>>> behave strangely for infinite values.
>>>>> 2) return {Complex.NaN} or {Complex.INF} respectively when the
>>>>> number has
>>>>> a NaN or infinite part.
>>>>> 3) return {Complex.NaN} when either part is NaN; but for infinite
>>>>> values,
>>>>> compute the argument using getArgument (atan2), generate the
>>>>> arguments for
>>>>> the roots from this and select the real/im parts of the roots from
>>>>> {0, inf,
>>>>> -inf} to match the argument (this will always be possible because
>>>>> atan2
>>>>> always returns a multiple of pi/4 for infinite arguments).  For
>>>>> example, the
>>>>> 4th roots of real positive infinity would be {inf + 0i, 0 + infi,
>>>>> -inf + 0i,
>>>>> 0 + -infi}
>>>>> 2) is probably the most defensible mathematically; but 3) is closer to
>>>>> the spirit of C99x.  Unfortunately, since our implementation of
>>>>> multiply is
>>>>> 2)-like, 3) does not guarantee that nth roots actually solve the
>>>>> equation
>>>>> r^n = z.
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