Bernhard Grünewaldt a écrit :
> Hello,
> I am new here so I don't know if it's correct to ask here for it, but:
> Is it possible to have the latex and graphviz plugin for the apache
> commons wiki installed?
> Latex Plugin:
> Graphviz Plugin:
> Math Wiki:
> I would like to add a documentation about the FastHadamardTransformer
> which includes latex equations and some nice graphs:
> Or is this page the right place for it?

I think this is a better place. It is the official user guide which is
bundled with the source.

> If yes, which syntax (MoinMoin syntax, Dokuwiki, plain HTML) does it use?

It uses xdoc described here:

The source files are in the subversion tree. Starting from the top
directory of the project where the pom.xml files is, the user guide
directory is here: src/site/xdoc/userguide. The html files are generated
using maven2 thanks to the following command:

  mvn site

Unfortunately, this format does not support mathematical syntax. In
fact, depending on doxia version, it may even not support standard HTML
4.0 entities like π or ∇ (see The current published
version of doxia seems to be 1.0-alpha-4, but according to this message
( new versions should be
published soon.

Doxia supports others formats as well, and they can even be mixed on a
page basis (i.e. you can have one page generated from apt, another one
from xdoc ...). The following page lists several supported modules: The
documentation is ... scarce. Beware that some formats are output formats
only (typically LaTeX).

As far as I am concerned, I would be happy to change our documentation
format to something more math-friendly. I think we will at least have to
wait until the new version of doxia is published and look at what it
provides (and perhaps contribute to it if time allows).


> thanks.
> Bernhard Grünewaldt
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