Brilliant Niall, thanks a lot, I was still wrestling with Maven 1 issues here. I'll send the release announcement emails now.


Niall Pemberton wrote:
On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 11:47 PM, Rory Winston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Its been a while since I've done this .... Ive been following the release
instructions on the commons site...but updating the main commons site is a
problem. I've downloaded Maven 1, updated the downloads src file and tried
to regen the site, but Maven doesnt seem to like it... I get

About to use JSL stylesheet commons-site.jsl
  [echo] en
  [echo] The current Locale is the default one
  [echo] Scanning 'C:\sandbox\build\target\generated-xdocs'...
  [echo] Generating C:/sandbox/build/target/docs/changelog-report.html from
Unable to obtain goal [site]
C:\Documents and
Settings\Rory\.maven\cache\maven-xdoc-plugin-1.9.2\commons-site.jsl (T
he system cannot find the file specified)

Also, the notes seem to imply I need everything under trunks-proper checked
out - is this the case?

You only need commons-build checked out

To re-generate the download pages you need to first run the ant script:

The run "maven site"

Not sure what your problem is, but it doesn't work for me using JDK
1.6 - I have to switch back to 1.5.

I regenerated the site and uploaded it - so the updated Net download
page should be there after the next sync



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