
I just wanted to share my experiences here with generifying some of the
commons packages.  I’ve been through several of them, when I needed
them.  The last one, just not, is CLI.

Here, one problem is the getValue() method and its relatives.  It is not
possible to derive from the context which type of value it is supposed
to return.  The method getValue() itself returns an object, but all
usage examples I have seen until now return Strings and even more, there
are even classes where it *can* be deduced that it will always return a
String.  So my question is: why doesn’t getValue() return a String, and
should getValues() return a List<String> or a List<Object>?  I think the
latter would be unfortunate.

Hendrik Maryns
Herrenberger Straße 40
D-72070 Tübingen
www.lieverleven.be     Hier kan iedereen wat van leren.

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