
On Fri, 2008-07-25 at 14:41 +0200, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> I'll start preparing a release soon. The current state is good enough 
> for a release, the remaining issues can be postponed to CLI 1.3.

I agree, but I don't think I qualify for a vote :-)

> I'd like to release a "long lived" release candidate (at least 2-3 
> weeks) before pushing the final release. This will let some time to the 
> projects using CLI to try the new version and give their feedback. 
> Hopefully this will prevent a blocking problem similar to CLI 1.1.

Can I suggest ensuring beforehand that there is a group of people who
will explicitly test the RC on some projects.  Two reasons:

1.  The RC needs some serious testing :-)
2.  The momentum for a general realization that 1.0 is dead, 1.1 was
broken, but now 1.2 is here, needs to be created so that there is a huge
move by all project using Commons CLI to actually upgrade.

Step 1 is I guess to ensure that all Apache projects upgrade ;-)

Is there an Apache announcement page so that the RC can get some
seriously extensive marketing?

Dr Russel Winder                 Partner

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