In order to solve issue MATH-172 and for other related needs, I have started work on the ordinary differential equations package as some of you may have noticed.
The first phase was simple cleaning: reorganizing the package that was becoming quite huge. There are now several subpackages: - nonstiff which provides integrators (and continuous output interpolators) for non-stiff problems - sampling which deals with step handlers (fixed and variable steps) - events which deals with discrete events (what used to be called switching functions in the previous version) The second phase is under development: introducing new simple multistep integrators: fixed step explicit Adams-Bashforth, fixed step implicit Adams-Moulton and BDF, still for non-stiff problems. This is a little harder than I thought at first, because I really want this integrators to provide the same rich features as the existing ones: multiple discrete events handling, continuous output, events handlers. I also wanted a user customizable autostart feature (multistep methods need some help to get started). I did not find any reference to continuous output models for these simple integrators, so I had to develop the underlying equations myself. I hope to check a few new classes soon. Meanwhile, I also have to change a little the shared API with the existing integrators, in order to get a consistent package. The third phase will consist in implementing integrators able to handle stiff problems. I will probably start with a port of LSODE (from netlib, available under a BSD type license) which is based on GEAR method. Luc --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]