On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 10:18 AM, Matt Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At long last, I have prepared the preliminary
> proposal.

Pardon me if I missed some previous discussion, but I'm not finding anything
about "flatfile" in the archives.

Why is this heading for incubation? Given that you are the sole developer
and already a committer here, why not just drop it in the sandbox?

Martin Cooper

>  I'd like to have the support of Commons as
> the sponsoring PMC.  I'd also like it if I could get a
> couple of mentors from the group as well.  The current
> proposal can be viewed at:
> http://people.apache.org/~mbenson/flatfile-proposal/proposal<http://people.apache.org/%7Embenson/flatfile-proposal/proposal>
> If you have any interest in this being a Commons
> component, or if you are a PMC member and feel you
> would veto Commons' sponsorship of this podling,
> please say so.  Assuming the initial reaction is
> positive, I will then call a vote to make the
> sponsorship official and move the proposal to the
> Incubator wiki where I hope volunteering mentors will
> add themselves.  :)
> Thanks,
> Matt
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