Niall Pemberton a écrit :
> On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Luc Maisonobe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> A few comments on this release.
>> Typo in the project description in the pom.xml file: replace
>> "implmentation" with "implementation".
>> Extracting files from the commons-chain-1.2-src.tar.gz archive in a
>> Linux box leads to an all lower case file name for "license-header.txt",
>> which leads to an error when running "mvn site". Some plugin requires a
>> mixed case LICENSE-header.txt.
> Thanks, I fixed the typo and checkstyle config in the trunk:
> Anyone think we need a new RC for this?

No, it is really minor.

>> There are 39 findbugs errors. They don't seem too important. Many are
>> serialization related (missing serialVersionUID, transient fields) and
>> many are style related (redeclaration of interfaces from superclass). I
>> think the errors in ContextBase and web.ChainListener are false
>> positive. The MTIA_SUSPECT_SERVLET_INSTANCE_FIELD may be more
>> problematic, I know nothing about servlets so cannot judge this. I'm
>> attaching the findbug.html report file to this message.
> I don't see it attached - also I added findbugs to the pom and ran it
> and didn't see such an error

Ooops. I forgot to join the page. Here it is. It was generated by
version 1.1.1 of the findbugs plugin, and the class files were compiled
with SunJDK 1.6 on a linux box.

> Niall
>> I don't cast any vote now, waiting for more knowledgeable people to look
>> at these servlet issues.
>> Luc
>> Oliver Heger wrote:
>>> +1
>>> Oliver
>>> Niall Pemberton wrote:
>>>> The main changes since RC1 are that the ant build now works on JDK 1.3
>>>> and the Logging dependency has been upgraded to the latest 1.1.1
>>>> The artifacts are here:
>>>> SVN Tag:
>>>> Site:
>>>> (note m2 generates relative links, so some don't work - but the site
>>>> is for info and not included in the release artifacts)
>>>> Release Notes:
>>>> RAT Report:
>>>> CLIRR Report:
>>>> RC2 has been built with m2 - but m1 and ant builds are available - details 
>>>> here:
>>>> Note: Chain is targetted at JDK 1.3, but I built with JDK 1.5 because
>>>> of the issue with m2 and JDK 1.4 - but I have tested on JDK 1.3 and
>>>> JDK 1.4 using m1 & ant and JDK 1.5 and JDK 1.6 using m2
>>>> Vote is open for 72 hours
>>>> Thanks in advance for your feedback/votes.
>>>> Niall
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