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The following page has been changed by LucMaisonobe:

The comment on the change is:
fixed a broken link

     * "implement good random number generators, e.g., like those described in 
''Numerical Recipes'' or Knuth". -- AlChou
     * I highly recommend working with Paul Houle 
[] to get these random number generators 
integrated into the math library. He has stated to me in the past that he is 
willing to relicense them under the Apache license. As well I beleive that with 
the BSD being compatable with Apache licensing, there would be little stopping 
us from integrating them ourselves as a derivative work. - Mark Diggory - 
Pluggable as of 1.1 release.
     * Investigate alternative methods for generating values from discrete 
distributions []
-  * Add sparse matrix implementation.   
+  * Add sparse matrix implementation.   
   * Add Vector implementation (RealVector would extend RealMatrix)
   * Develop Genetic Algorithms Framework 
   * Resampling []

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