sebb wrote:
On 20/05/2008, Dennis Lundberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dare I suggest that we start working on a Commons wide code style document?

 I'm willing to put in time setting up a Checkstyle configuration and an
IDEA template, for whatever style we decide upon.

 What style we should choose? I don't really care that much, but like sebb
I'm allergic to tabs in any kind of source code. I say pick a style from one
of the components that actually have a defined code style already.

 Doing this doesn't mean that we have to change every component right at
once. We can start by establishing a standard and then slip that into each
component when it is time to release that component.

Maybe some rules should be mandatory - no tabs - and some rules could
be advisory - e.g. max. line length.

That's reasonable.

Seems to me that - apart from tabs - the style that a project uses is
not all that important so long as it is documented and consistent
within a project.

Right, consistency is key here.

Perhaps start collecting ideas in a Wiki page, and then convert to
formal docn. later?

Sounds like a good plan. Collect the rules and then try to reach consensus regarding how important they are.

Checkstyle has three levels at which code violations can be flagged: info, warning and error. These could be translated into:
- info:    Follow this if you like. If you don't it's no big deal
- warning: You should consider following this rule
- error:   This must must be fixed before the next release

I'll get a wiki page started...

 Oberhuber, Martin wrote:

Is there any guideline on tabs vs spaces in Commons?

Given that due to the Copyright Text Change we have
A diff on each and every file already, now might be
A good time to do such a global cleanup, in order
To simplify diffs / patches in upcoming bugfix Releases, and cross-porting
patches between the 1.5 and 2.0 streams.
Martin Oberhuber, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Wind River
Target Management Project Lead, DSDP PMC Member

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Lundberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Montag, 19. Mai
2008 19:54
To: Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: [NET] Tabs and spaces

sebb wrote:

Looks like most of NET uses spaces for indentation.

[There are about 28,000 lines starting with 4 or more spaces; only
about 2,000 lines starting with tab]

However, there are quite a few files that use tabs; it

looks like the

assumption is that tabs are every 4 spaces - but of course

this is not

necessarily how all editors and printers are set up...

Any views on fixing these?

I'd replace each tab with 4 spaces.

I'm happy to do this.

I noticed the problem when creating some patches for NET.


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