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The following page has been changed by NiallPemberton:

The comment on the change is:
Add comment about the SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository

- === Commons OSGi ===
+ == Commons OSGi ==
  The purpose of this page is to record progress in Commons of ''OSGi-enabled'' 
releases and any notes on specific issues with configuration of the OSGi 
manifest entries.
  The [ Apache Felix] project (an OSGi implementation) 
have [ requested] that 
Commons components include [ OSGi] meta data in their jars 
so that they are ''ready-to-use'' in an OSGi environment. This involves OSGi 
entries in the jar's manifest file.
  The Felix project has developed the 
[ maven-bundle-plugin] 
which makes this easier and this is now configured
  in the {{{commons-parent}}} 
pom.xml] (since version 9) with ''default'' instructions. For components which 
need to override the ''default'' instructions, this can be done using 
''properties'' in the component pom (see below for more details).
+ === SpringSource Bundle Repository ===
+ The [ SpringSource Enterprise 
Bundle Repository] contains a collection of open source libraries and each jar 
file in the repository is a valid OSGi bundle. This includes a number of 
 re-packaged Commons components], so if you require a component that has not 
yet been released as an OSGi bundle, you may find it in the !SpringSource 
+ '''N.B.''' As of writing (May 2008) the status of !SpringSource repository is 
[ BETA].
  == Proper ==

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