Matt Benson a écrit :
--- Matt Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--- Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 9:20 PM, Henri Yandell
On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 6:45 PM, James Carman
> Perhaps we could ask for an "Apache Commons
> Fastrack" process as part of the Incubator?
Definitely the aim here I think.
Replying to myself, very bad form. Anyway - I
that of the
Incubator and had no response, so the next step
to put together a
proposal as a stronger nudge for a response. I
sucked at doing that -
fortunately Matt stepped up :)
Incubator email:
Let me emphasize that the nature of this proposal is
such, IMO, that the more the merrier wrt mentors...
Or does anyone other than myself and Hen even have
desire for this to come to fruition?
Replying to _myself_, now: It seems that there is a
fair lack of interest here, despite the fact that
there seemed to be some interest in incubating some of
the new components Henri and I talked about. While it
is true that noone on the list has exhibited much
excitement about the prospect of a Commons Incubator,
it is equally true that noone seems to be vehemently
opposed to its formation. Do any of the apparent -0s,
particularly those on the Incubator PMC, have any
thoughts whatsoever they might be coerced to express?
Is there anyone who prefers that incubating components
enter Commons as would any other incubating project at
the ASF, with no special allowances for the fact that
the project in question is destined to live @ Commons?
Is there any member of the Commons PMC who objects to
the proposal's language that "The Commons PMC wants"
this and that, when, in the context of the proposal,
"Commons PMC wants" apparently == "Hen and Matt want"?
I am mostly +0 about this proposal.
I don't really think going through incubator is so hard. My own mantissa
code came into incubator and out of it in no time. I agree it was a
different problem as it was mainly a way to ensure IP clearance stuff
was properly done and as Phil mentored the process from the beginning,
already knowing where the code should go.
I also think too many entry points are confusing. We have already
incubator, labs and commons sandbox. I still don't understand how all
these projects fit together and started nabla in sandbox after several
advices from experimented PMCs.
However, I would never vote against an idea like that. If you proposed
it, it means to me that you find the current process does not fit your
needs. Hence my position is to let it go.
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