Hi folks,

commons-exec (see http://commons.apache.org/sandbox/exec/) is about running external processes from within a JVM - and there are a lot of OS and JVM versions out there (plus a lot of code in commons-exec to handle this).

So if you feel adventurous and have some time to spare ...

+) I uploaded a self-contained test distribution to http://people.apache.org/~sgoeschl/download/commons-exec/exec-test-1.0-SNAPSHOT.zip +) If you unpack the zip file you are able to start the regression tests using 'sh ./testme.sh" or 'testme.bat' +) Make sure that you have $JAVA_HOME defined as environment variable to pick up your Java installation to be used +) It runs all regression tests without requiring to have ANT or Maven installed +) Send a quick feedback about the test result and the OS/JVM being used so I can update the website

Thanks in advance

Siegfried Goeschl

PS: Please, don't run the tests on a mission-critical & super-important box - some of the tests are quite heavy (e.g. starting thousand processes to make sure that we don't have any memory/handle leaks)

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