Hi folks,

I'm currently looking at moving Fulcrum to M2 and would like to use the grunge work you did on commons-parent - looking at it I have a few questions/improvements ...

1) Legal Stuff
the ASL is missing in the parent pom

2) Improvement of IDE project generation

in my pom I configure IDEA and Eclipse to download the sources when creating the project files - this makes stepping through used libraries much easier

       <!-- generate the IntelliJ project files -->
</plugin> <plugin>
       <!-- generate the Eclipse project files -->

3) Creating sources jar

in my projects I always create the sources jar not only for release candidates and releases - this allows to quickly make a SNAPSHOT install in your local repo including the sources - having said that you can always do a manual invocation but it would reduce the complexity of the parent pom

4) Reporting

I have a few standard reporting plugins which could be an useful addition - maven-changes-plugin, maven-pmd-plugin, taglist-maven-plugin (codehaus)

5) commons-build-plugin

What is it exactly doing?

Thanks in advance

Siegfried Goeschl

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