If I check out the sandbox, from the v1.0 tag (
) and run mvn package, it's still parented by the 1.0-SNAPSHOT pom,
which isn't available in the repo.

I figured i must be doing something wrong.

Do i need to rebuild vfs again from source or can I just build the smb
provider and add it along with the 1.0 jar to my app?

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 10:43 PM, Torsten Curdt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On 13.03.2008, at 07:32, Dion Gillard wrote:
>  > What's the recommended way of using commons-vfs 1.0 with CIFS support?
>  You mean where to get the SMB provider from?
>  Supposed to be in the vfs sandbox ...Mario?
>  cheers
>  --
>  Torsten
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dIon Gillard
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