This vote has passed with seven +1 votes from the following people:

Ben Speakmon
Jochen Wiedmann
Luc Maisonobe
Jörg Schaible
James Carman
Niall Pemberton
Paul Benedict

Thanks to everyone who voted - I'll cut the release shortly.


On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:01 AM, Niall Pemberton
> Hi,
>  Apologies, I'd like to do another (version 9) commons-parent release
>  (hopefully the last for a while)  - the changes since the last release
>  are:
>  - Use the maven-bundle-plugin to generate an OSGi manifest file
>  (rather than the whole jar and manifest) and configure the jar plugin
>  to use the generated file. The main advantage of this is that the
>  *usual* commons manifest entries come first in their usual order, with
>  the OSGi entries appended after - rather than being randonly mixed up.
>  Also means the component poms don't need to specify
>  <packaging>bundle</packaging>
>  - Add properties for all the OSGi instructions so that they can be
>  overriden in component poms - means components where the defaults
>  don't suit can just specify properties, rather than configuring the
>  whole plugin in their pom
>  - Set the OSGi Bundle-DocURL to the component site
>  - Add "site" and "assembly" executions to the "rc" profile
>  - Specify version 2.0.1 of the maven-project-info-reports-plugin in
>  the <reporting> section
>  - Change the maven-surefire-plugin from version 2.3 to 2.4.2 of the
>  in the <reporting> section (so its consistent with the version number
>  in the <pluginManagement> section)
>  A full diff of the pom.xml can be found at this address:
>  The version number in the pom will be updated automatically during the
>  release process.
>  [ ] +1
>  [ ] =0
>  [ ] -1
>  Vote is open for 72 hours
>  Niall

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