  The server supports passive mode because I manually ftp and changed to 
passive mode without any problem.  I put the setDataTimeout in MySocketFactory 
and still got timeout.  I printed the host and port value and found they are 
correct.  Here is MySocketFactory class, please let me know if it is correct.
  public class MySocketFactory extends DefaultSocketFactory 
  private int connectTimeout = 0;
  private int dataTimeout = 0;
  public MySocketFactory() {
  /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see org.apache.commons.net.SocketFactory#createSocket(java.lang.String,int)
  public Socket createSocket(String host, int port)
  throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
  Socket s = new java.net.Socket();
  System.out.println("host: "+host+" port: "+port);
  java.net.InetSocketAddress addr =
  new java.net.InetSocketAddress(host, port);
  s.connect(addr, connectTimeout);
  //s.connect(addr, 6000000);
  return s;
  * @return
  public int getConnectTimeout() {
  return connectTimeout;
  * @param i
  public void setConnectTimeout(int i) {
  connectTimeout = i;
  public int getDataTimeout() {
  return dataTimeout;
  public void setDataTimeout(int i){
  dataTimeout = i;
  Code to call MySocketFactory, I notice the ftpClient.getPassiveHost() always 
returns as null.
  MySocketFactory MySocketFactory = new MySocketFactory();
  System.out.println("host1: "+ftpClient.getPassiveHost());

"Daniel F. Savarese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, shaw shaw writes:
> Thank you for your help. I tried to use setDataTimeout and still got time o
>ut. I changed the timeout value for both FTPClient.setDataTimeout(timeout) an

Sorry, it didn't completely register with me that this was a connection
timeout. The right way to do set the connection timeout until Commons Net
abandons older JVM compatibility is by creating a custom SocketFactory
that uses a connection timeout when creating the socket. The data
connection in Commons Net 1.4.x uses the socket factory to create
the socket for the data connection. Is it possible that the remote
server does not support passive mode?

Without seeing the code to your socket factory, my guess is the problem
is not with Commons Net. Your stack trace produces a ConnectException
from Socket.connect from inside of your MySocketFactory.createSocket
method. So that indicates that the connection attempt is being made
and any failure is outside of the scope of FTPClient, which hands
off the connection responsibility to MySocketFactory.createSocket from
within FTPClient._openDataConnection_. Maybe print out the arguments
that are passed to MySocketFactory.createSocket and make sure they
are correct. Is it possible the wrong address is being given?


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