On 2/11/08, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The license-header.txt file is not included in the source distro -
> which causes the checkstyle to fail when building from the src distro
> - I've added that in (hope you don't mind):
>    http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=620449

> Theres a couple of other files in trunk that are not in the source
> distro (test-jar.xml and testOnly.sh) - does that matter?

testOnly.sh is a convenience script that runs m1 from the command line
and just runs tests for a limited set of packages.  test-jar.xml is
for compiling and running tests against a pre-built jar (for JDK
compatibility testing).  I don't think we need to include these.
> Also there are no -sources.jar and -javadoc.jars which would be nice -
> if you use the "rc" profile (specify -Prc on command line) these
> should be produced - although I had "fun & games" getting the build to
> produce everything for IO 1.4 and sign it all. IO's pom.xml also
> defines an "rc" profile which produces the site and "assemblies" in
> the "package" phase and I ran the following command for IO 1.4
> release:
>   mvn -Prc clean source:jar javadoc:jar install -DcreateChecksum=true
> this worked producing everything and creating checksums and signing
> all the artifacts - the only downside was the -javadoc.jar and
> -sources.jar inside the binary distro had a different timestamp from
> the signed versions outside (because in commons-parent-7 the sources
> and javadocs plugins are not attached to the "package" phase in the
> "rc" profile  - this will be fixed in commons-parent-8).
> If you want I can add an "rc" profile to commons math which attaches
> the site, sources, javadoc and assembly plugin to the "package" pahse
> then all you need to do to produce all the artifacts is:
>  mvn -Prc install -DcreateChecksum=true
> (although I guess the maven way is to use the release plugin - but I
> don't like the noise it produces [3 commits] for every release
> candidate).
> Anyway if you think this is a good idea the profile would look like this:
>  <profiles>
>    <profile>
>      <id>rc</id>
>      <build>
>        <plugins>
>          <plugin>
>            <artifactId>maven-site-plugin</artifactId>
>            <executions>
>              <execution>
>                <goals>
>                  <goal>site</goal>
>                </goals>
>                <phase>package</phase>
>              </execution>
>            </executions>
>          </plugin>
>          <plugin>
>            <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId>
>            <executions>
>              <execution>
>                <id>create-source-jar</id>
>                <goals>
>                  <goal>jar</goal>
>                </goals>
>                <phase>package</phase>
>              </execution>
>            </executions>
>          </plugin>
>          <plugin>
>            <artifactId>maven-javadoc-plugin</artifactId>
>            <executions>
>              <execution>
>                <id>create-javadoc-jar</id>
>                <goals>
>                  <goal>jar</goal>
>                </goals>
>                <phase>package</phase>
>                <configuration>
>                  <source>${maven.compile.source}</source>
>                </configuration>
>              </execution>
>            </executions>
>          </plugin>
>          <plugin>
>            <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>            <executions>
>              <execution>
>                <goals>
>                  <goal>attached</goal>
>                </goals>
>                <phase>package</phase>
>              </execution>
>            </executions>
>          </plugin>
>        </plugins>
>      </build>
>    </profile>
>  </profiles>
> Niall

Thanks, Niall.  I will play with this.  I am not comfortable with the
machinations of the release plugin, so I will want to create all
artifacts locally and then deploy "intentionally".   I also prefer to
sign artifacts and produce hashes explicitly using sign_and_hash.sh.
I will figure out how to do this while getting the voted, signed
artifacts from the official release published to the maven repo.


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