---- Apache Wiki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>   set up. Therefore adding OSGi attributes to commons-logging is not useful, 
> as commons-logging
>   is not usable in an OSGi environment.
> + ''niallp: Can't be? But what if it is, logging is used by many so I would 
> be surprised if its not.''

Well, I'm basing my info on an email sent to this list about two weeks ago. But 
it seems sensible to me: commons-logging plays lots of tricks with classloaders 
to try to accomodate the needs of 
(a) dumb logging libs,
(b) dumb servlet engines,
(c) dump jee specs, and
(d) dumb users.

OSGi sets up its own complicated classloader hierarchies to try to hide certain 
java classes from each other, allow dynamic reloading of class hierarchies, 

I haven't specifically looked into it, but the original poster was quite 
definite that they are not compatible, and I would actually be very surprised 
if they were. (He was also unnecessarily rude, but that's another matter).

Supposedly, there is a library out there somewhere that implements the 
commons-logging api (ie provides classes in the org.apache.commons.logging 
namespace) but implements things in an OSGi-aware manner.

As OSGi is becoming more popular, it would be nice if a link to that package 
was present on the commons-logging wiki.


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