Hi, I have prepared a third release candidate of commons-fileupload 1.2.1. A list of changes since rc2 and things that I haven't changes, can be found below.
Thanks, Jochen [ ] +1 [ ] =0 [ ] -1 - The pom and jar files of commons-io 1.3.2 have been deployed again to the m2 repository, this time to the groupId commons-io. (No vote was needed, because the artifacts haven't been changed: The pom file already contained this groupId, but was deployed to the wrong path.) - The groupId of commons-io was changed to commons-io in the m1 and m2 pom files of commons-fileupload. - The binary distribution do now contain the jar files. (Previously, they did not.) - The NOTICE.TXT file contains the year 2008 now. I haven't responded to the following comments: > - When building with the different build systems the resulting jar > does not always include the license files: The maven 1 build is > okay, the maven 2 build does not include LICENSE and NOTICE, > and the ant build only includes NOTICE. This is as intended. The m2 poms activate inclusion of the LICENSE and NOTICE files only if -Prelease or -Prc is used on the command line. This is fine, because they are mainly required for *distributions*, which are endorsed by the ASF. -- Look, that's why there's rules, understand? So that you think before you break 'em. -- (Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]