On Jan 6, 2008 2:23 AM, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 5, 2008 5:51 PM, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I would like to get an IO 1.4 release out in the near future. Looking
> > thru the issues tagged for 1.4 I would suggest the following:
> >
> > 1) Resolve the following issues, which all have patches except IO-149
> > which is trivial
> >   IO-149 - Make FilenameUtils.EXTENSION_SEPARATOR public
> >   IO-105 - Add a FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure method
> >   IO-152 - Add ByteArrayOutputStream.readFrom(InputStream)
> >   IO-135 - Add convenience deleteQuietly to FileUtils
> +1
> > 2) Move the following issues to post-1.4
> >   IO-137 - Added method for getting InputStream from
> > ByteArrayOutputStream & IOUtils avoiding unnecessary array allocation
> > and copy
> >   IO-51  - Throttled input and output stream classes
> >   IO-77 - add a convenience FileUtils.move(File src, File dest)
> +1 on IO-77 being post-1.4 as it lacks unit tests.
> I think we should deal with IO-137 as it's a minor enhancement and
> comes with tests. I'll volunteer to look at that.

I looked at this a while back and using the baos buffers directly in
an InputStream raises a safety issue (if the baos is modified while
the InputStream is being read) - do we care about that?

> IO-51 has tests, so worth a look at if that can be done before the
> others are resolved. ie) punt to post-1.4 iff it's the last one left.

I had a brief look and my initial thought was the Limiter should just
be doing the throttling and the reading/writing should be in the
input/output implementations - but I haven't looked in detail.

> > 3) Upgrade to commons-parent-6 pom.xml which looks like the release
> > will be approved shortly
> >
> > Thoughts on this?
> Delete the M1 build, and maybe Ant given that the build.xml is M1 generated.

Removing ant is fine by me - I'd like to keep the m1 build as it works
- I think we should only delete them when people stop bothering to
keep them up to date.

> And IO-148 + IO-127?

IO-127 was really just a discussion. We haven't actually moved to JDK
1.4 minimum - just introduced 3 impls that require JDK 1.4. The rest
is still JDK 1.3 compatible with the source/target options.
IO-148 is done from my PoV - I left it open in case anyone wanted to
object to me renaming it today. If Gary and Jukka are happy then we
can mark it as fixed.

> Hen

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