
Makes you want to go to Amsterdam ;-)

Niall Pemberton wrote:
I have managed to work round the problems I had the other night trying
to release commons-skin-2 and have staged a release in the snapshot
repo here:

This release has been built with version that was voted on previously
and which I tagged the other night here:

The main problem with the previous vote was that it was on what was in
subversion rather than artifacts being released - this vote resolves
that. Also there was a question on whether the commons-skin jar
contained the appropriate notice and license files - once I got the
"mvn release:perform" command to work with the correct profile the
remote-resources plugin automatically added/generated these.

[ ] +1
[ ] =0
[ ] -1

Vote is open for 72 hours.


P.S. for anyone interested I used the following maven command:

mvn -Prc release:perform
  -Darguments="-Prc -Dmaven.test.skip=true"

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Dennis Lundberg

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