On 12/7/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK how about I just upload the artifacts manually - that seems the
> simpest solution.

Sounds good. Do the jars contain LICENSE / NOTICE files? Just saw that
skin-1.0 jars do not!

> Then we can do a commons-parent release removing the
> dummy repository and upgrading to commons-skin 2.

We need some discussion on that, since:

 * Haven't seen an answer as to why the dummy repo gets chosen i.e.
given the current setup for commons-skin, whether m2 / deploy-plugin
should (theoretically) choose it in the first place? It would seem
that it wasn't chosen atleast once before (which would be how the 1.0
release was cut), perhaps that is due to differences in plugin
versions used -- which we can lock down, settings.xml minutiae etc.

 * As already pointed out, non-snap versions should never deploy to
rsync repo directly (AIUI, purpose of dummy).


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