On 10/5/07, James Carman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, I found it.  So far, I've modified:
> commons-build\menus\components-items.ent
> commons-build\menus\sandbox-items.ent
> commons-build\parts\components-table.ent
> commons-build\parts\sandbox-table.ent
> Is there anything else?  It said on the documentation that I should
> add a promotion announcement to "jakarta-site/news.xml" document.
> Since Commons is TLP now, would I add (or request to have added) an
> announcement to the main site's news section?  Also, I don't know
> where to set up the .htaccess redirect.

We probably don't have one - we used to modify the Jakarta one.

Ideally it needs to go in the maven xdocs, be copied over to the
target/docs/ and deployed to 'production'. Editing one by hand at
/www/commons.apache.org/.htaccess will have to do for now (unless
someone wants to do the maven bit I mentioned).


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