2007/10/3, Will Pugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Another idea (not well thought out) would be to try doing something like
> threadlets for Java (http://kerneltrap.org/node/7753)
> So that some operation would either execute directly, or if a lock is
> taken would spawn a thread to wait for access.  Not sure if it's a
> solution in search of a problem, since I haven't had need to use them
> yet, but I thought threadlets and syslets seemed like cool concepts on
> their own.

Not quite sure if this is possible without manipulating the JVM. Cool
idea, though...

> Another structure I've used a lot in UI programming is very similar to
> an ExecuterService, except that each task has executeBackground and
> exceuteForeground methods.  The executeBackground method is called on a
> pooled background thread.  The executeForground is then called on the
> main AWT thread.

This is a "SwingWorker" in the Swing world, right?


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