The Apache Commons project is proud to announce the release of Commons Email 1.1.
Commons Email makes it easier to perform common emailing tasks from Java. It sits on top of the JavaMail API, which it tries to simplify. The 1.1 release addresses several bugs present in the 1.0 release as well as adding some important new features: * allowing arbitrary DataSources to be embedded in HtmlEmails * correcting email structures that didn't display correctly on some clients * compatibility with JEE 5 and J2EE 1.4 environments * JDK 1.4-based character set encoding and handling; now supports all languages that the Java VM supports. Release notes, including compatibility information, are available at the Commons Email home page: You can download Commons Email immediately at, and the full distribution is also available from the main Maven 2 repository as org.apache.commons:commons-email:1.1:jar. Please remember to verify the MD5 sums and GPG key signings of your downloads against the official Apache Commons KEYS file at; these safeguards are your only guarantee that you are running non-compromised versions of Commons Email. --Ben Speakmon, on behalf of Apache Commons