I wouldn't usually reply, in the hopes that you re-read the method signature...
C is the input collection
K,V are the usual types for map
There are two transformers Transformer<C,K> and Transformer<C,V> that transform the collection input type to the respective map key, value types.

The second signature only has <K,V> as there is no value transformer, so the input collection is the type of value.



James Carman wrote:
What is "Map<C,K,V>" here? The Map interface only has two type parameters, right? Shouldn't it just be Map<K,V>?

On 8/29/07, *Stephen Kestle * <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi John,

    I have not opened a ticket yet, but ... I have had very similar
    requirements, and will [most-likely] be putting something in that
    will solve your problem.

    However, it will not be a class - consider this method

    Map<C, K,V> CollectionUtils.toMap(Collection<C> input,
    Transformer<C,K> keyTransformer, Transformer<C,V>
    valueTransformer, Map<K,V> map)

    You could then do what you wanted, passing in your integer
transformer for the key, and potentially MultiHashMap for the map.
    NB - this is in an ideal (and we're heading to that) collections
    world.  MultiHashMap will need to be changed to extend map
    properly and implement the interface in a consistent way (not
    breaking Map contract etc).

    Also note that there will be other variations on the method - most

    Map<K,V> CollectionUtils.toMap(Collection<V> input,
    Transformer<V,K> keyTransformer){
         return toMap(input, keyTransformer, NOPTransformer, new

    I'll raise a ticket within the next few days - watch this list!



    John wrote:

    I'm new to the collections mailing list and I have a class I
    think would be appropriate to be donated to the collections API.

    This is an extension of the MultiHashMap and filters a given
    Collection by a given field. It will put the objects into the map
    using the field value as the key.

    For example, lets say I have a class X which has an integer i. I
    have four instances of X each with the following names and values
    of i.

    x1 i=1
    x2 i=2
    x3 i=2
    x4 i=5

    The resulting MultiHashMap will contain the following after a
    call to
    sortCollection(X.class, "i"); has been made.

    key | Objects
    1   | x1
    2   | x2, x3
    5   | x4

    I can then get a Collection of sorted objects by asking the map
    for the key value. I find this very useful in many situations I
    have come across. I will of course make the required doc, package
    and src formatting changes to the class before submitting it.

    Please can you take a look and tell me if it is worth committing
    this to the Collections repository. What is the process I need to
    go through before committing? I'm a bit pressed for time at the
    mo' so I can't really spend too much time working on the
    Collections API as a regular developer. I am a big fan of the
    commons Collections API and commons project in general, just wish
    I had more time to get involved.

    Kind regards,

    John Hunsley.
    Technical Supervisor, Cy-nap Ltd.

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