
Thank you for the quick response. After reading your e-mail I realized
that my understanding of the purpose for the Jakarta Commons may have
been incorrect. I totally understand the need to avoid bloating the
libraries, and to "vet" or justify new additions to the library.

With this in mind, I think it may be appropriate to find another home
for my utility code. I will however contribute bug reports and patches
for my work with the existing Jakarta Commons code if possible.

Thanks again.

The Sunburned Surveyor

On 8/29/07, simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 12:49 -0700, Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> > I've been using Jakarta commons for a few months now. I've been
> > programming in Java as "hobby" for a few years, so I'm not what you
> > would call a professional. However, I have a good basic knowledge of
> > Java.
> >
> > I would like to contribute to Jakarta Commons if possible. My main
> > interests are in the Math, Lang, and Collection modules. I'm currently
> > working on some classes that manipulate angles, directions, and
> > bearings that might be appropriate for the Math package. I'm also
> > working on a large point number format that provides an alternative to
> > BigDecimal for exact mathematical calculations. I hope to use this
> > large number format for some statistical calculations.
> >
> > I'm also working on a FILO collection as part of a data caching mechanism.
> >
> > At any rate, I know I need to get up to speed on the Jakarta Commons
> > coding style and other requirements for contributing. I should also
> > get in touch with the maintainer/maintainers for the Math module.
> >
> > I know how to work with SVN, so I shouldn't have any major problems
> > downloading code from Jakarta Commons.
> >
> > I look forward to working with the Jakarta Commons community, if it is 
> > possible.
> It's great that you're interesting in contributing to open source.
> Hopefully some of the math team will get in contact as you're interested
> in that.
> For more general info, you might like to read this:
> As mentioned there, offers to add features that "seem cool" without any
> particular project *needing* those features is generally received with
> caution. We don't want to bloat existing libs, ie add code that isn't
> actively being used. So some of the ideas listed above might need some
> justification before being accepted.
> Math might be an exception, as implementing known algorithms seems a
> useful thing - though I should let the Math people speak for themselves.
> Regards,
> Simon
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