I am a committer of the Apache Synapse project and we are using VFS to
build a file transport through Apache Axis2. However, it seems like we
cannot 'write' to or create new Jar, Zip files through VFS.. is this a
current limitation?
If so, is anyone currently working on this to provide write support as
well? In the ZipFileSystem class, some lines are commented and I was
wondering if someone already has done some work on this - but haven't
yet exposed this over the public API?
public ZipFileSystem(final FileName rootName,
final FileObject parentLayer,
final FileSystemOptions fileSystemOptions)
throws FileSystemException
super(rootName, parentLayer, fileSystemOptions);
* //zipFile = createZipFile(this.file);*
I am not familiar with the VFS code, but if its not a too difficult task
I would like to see if I can be of any help here if no one is working on
this support right now