I have just added you to the commons-developers group. You should be
able to access the "Administer Project" link now.
Luc Maisonobe wrote:
Henri Yandell a écrit :
Click on Administer Project at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MATH
I don't see any "Adminiser Project" link there. I registered as a Jira
user long before being a commiter and used my personal mail, obviously
not my apache mail at that time. My profile says I belong to the
jira-users group. Can I do something by myself to change this ?
I just adjusted the members so that every commons developer is a MATH
admin [I'm slowly doing it to all commons projects as I notice].
On 8/19/07, Luc Maisonobe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I recently changed the "Fix version" field of an issue (MATH-157) that
is postponed to 2.0. However, there is no 2.0 version in the available
list of the edit issue form, so I had to select "Unknown". How can I add
the future 2.0 version for commons-math to this list in Jira ?
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