I use following settings.
DRIVER : com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver
MaxPoolSize = 30
MaxIdle =20
MinIdle = 20
MaxWait = 1000
Test on Borrow = true;
When Exhuasted Action = 2 ( WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW )
Validation SQL = select 1 from test_table

By looking more through the debug the call to
BasicDataSource.getConnection()  calls createDataSource() which creates
a new GenericObjectPool and PoolableDataSource. The default MaxPoolSIze
for GenericObjectPool is 8 hence it fails to get the 9th connection.

Seems I am not initializing the pool properly?
Can someone give me some pointers on how I can use BasicDataSource with

Tushar Dave

-----Original Message-----
From: Sergey Vladimirov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 4:44 PM
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Subject: Re: [DBCP] Connection gets blocked on 9th connection.


What Driver / database / settings are you using?

It seems there is underlying connection pol which prevents you from
obtaining 9th connection.


2007/8/7, Dave, Tushar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I am initializing the Pool as below.
> private void initialize(ConnectionPoolParameters oParams)
> {
>    GenericObjectPool oPool = new GenericObjectPool(null);
>    oPool.setMaxActive(oParams.getMaxSize());
>    oPool.setMaxIdle (oParams.getMinSize ());
>    oPool.setMinIdle(oParams.getMinSize());
>    oPool.setMaxWait(oParams.getTimeout());
>    oPool.setTestOnBorrow(true);
>    setWhenExhaustedAction(oParams.getExhaustAction());
>    BasicDataSource oDataSource = new BasicDataSource();
>    oDataSource.setDriverClassName(oParams.getDriver());
>    oDataSource.setUrl(oParams.getJdbcUrl());
>    oDataSource.setValidationQuery(oParams.getConnectionTest());
>    ConnectionFactory oFactory = new
> DataSourceConnectionFactory(oDataSource);
>    PoolableConnectionFactory oPoolFactory =
>      new PoolableConnectionFactory(oFactory, this, null,
> oParams.getConnectionTest (), false, true);
>    _oDataSource = new PoolingDataSource(this);
>    _bEnabled = true;
> }
> It seems that BasicDataSource creates its own Pool and
> PoolableConnectionFactory and it has the default settings of the Pool
> (maxSize=8).
> So If I specified 30 as the max connections it still thinks 8 as the
> connections.
> Am I initializing the pool properly?
> --Tushar
> ________________________________
> From: Dave, Tushar
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 10:43 AM
> Subject: [DBCP] Connection gets blocked on 9th connection.
> I am initializing the GeneriConnectionPool using the following
> parameters
> MaxActive=30
> MaxIdle=20
> MinIdle=20
> MaxWait=1000
> TestOnBorrow=true
> ActionWhenExhasuted =2(GROW)
> I try to test the connection pool by using the following code.
> List<Connection> liCon = new ArrayList<Connection>();
> for(i=0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {
>      Connection oCon = oPool.getConnection();
>      liCon.add(oCon);
> }
> The call to oPool.getConnection() gets blocked indefinitely when I try
> to get the 9th connection.
> Am I missing something?
> Any ideas
> Thanks
> Tushar Dave

Sergey Vladimirov

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