
Phil Steitz resolved DBCP-193.

    Resolution: Fixed

Related multiple close bugs are fixed, so this issue should be resolved.

> BasicDataSource returns negative values for NumActive when Oracle Driver 
> Connection#isClosed return true (End of file communication on CHannel)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: DBCP-193
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DBCP-193
>             Project: Commons Dbcp
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 1.2.1, 1.2.2
>         Environment: Windows / Oracle 10G JDBC driver / Oracle 10G / JDK 
> 1.4.2_08 / Commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar / COmmons-pool-1.3.jar
>            Reporter: Philippe Mouawad
>            Priority: Blocker
>             Fix For: 1.3
>         Attachments: 
> ShowsBasicDataSourceBadNumActiveIfNoCheckForIsClosedAndDoubleClose.java, 
> ShowsLeaksIfCheckForIsClosed.java, TestUtils.java
> Hello,
> This bug occurs if the following conditions are met:
> A End of File communication on CHannel occurs 
> Oracle Driver 10G will return true for Connection#isClosed()
> Related bugs:
> DBCP-3
> DBCP-28
> Case 1:
> The client calls isClosed() before closing a connection since commons-dbcp 
> does not allow double close without throwing (see DBCP-3)
> => The problem is that since he calls isClosed, he encounters the same bug 
> reported in DBCP-28 because conn.isClosed() will return true and the client 
> will not call close.
> if (!conn.isClosed())
> {
> try{
> conn.close();
> }catch(Exception e){}
> }
> see what happens if the isClosed() in PoolableConnection returns true : 
> ShowsLeaksIfCheckForIsClosed.java
> Case2:
> The client tries to find a solution, and calls conn.close() without checking 
> isClosed(), but the problem is that the client is in a Persistence fwk and 
> the client may have already called close, so he ends up calling close() 
> twice, see what happens if the isClosed() in PoolableConnection returns true 
> : ShowsBasicDataSourceBadNumActiveIfNoCheckForIsClosedAndDoubleClose.java

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