On 7/26/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone mind if I go ahead and look into migrating the site over to
> commons.apache.org tonight? With a redirect from
> jakarta.apache.org/commons?
> We'll have to create a News page at some point, but I don't think
> that'll stop migrating.
> Presuming no one replies, I'll go ahead and work on it tonight.

I've copied the Jakarta Commons site over to commons.apache.org.

I've made some changes to the site in svn, and deployed them. Repl's are:

s/Jakarta Commons/Apache Commons/g

Plus some Jakarta->Apache changes, and I've added Mail and Bugs pages.


1) We need a logo.

2) It's going to take a while to update all the component sites. Some
judicious search and replace is tempting.

I've run the three above.

3) Obviously maven2 site is a temptation at some point; let's get the
move done first.

4) What shall we do about the Charter page?

What else before we switch from Jakarta to Commons?

Longer term

The Bugs page and the Contributing Patches page have high overlap and
we should merge them. The Contributing Patches page is far too big and
needs some editing.

For News, should we continue to use Howard's news.xml approach?

For Downloads, should we continue to use my downloads.xml approach?

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