Thanks for sharing this excellent documentation! I ran through it a few times, and it worked perfectly.
I’d like to contribute some ideas and cases that might be helpful: 1. Installing Docker Engine For Rocky Linux, users can refer to this documentation to install the Docker engine: We can add the links for users' reference. 2. Using the Cloudberry Build Container It might be beneficial to include instructions on how to directly use the Cloudberry build container. This approach can significantly reduce the time required for setup. ``` docker run -it -h cdw --shm-size=2gb apache/incubator-cloudberry:cbdb-build-rocky9-latest ``` 3. Common Issues and Solutions I’ve encountered two specific issues that may block the use or testing of Cloudberry: 3.1 psql Connection Error After setting up the environment and demo cluster, attempting to access psql sometimes results in the following error: ``` psql: error: connection to server on socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.7000" failed: FATAL: database "gpadmin" does not exist ``` It would be great to include a guide on resolving this issue. 3.2 Encoding Issues During Testing While running tests, I occasionally face encoding-related errors (e.g., cannot parse `latin1` encoding, I tried to add `PGCLIENTENCODING=UTF8` to test commands that can help resolve this, eg: ``` PGCLIENTENCODING=UTF8 PGOPTIONS='-c optimizer=on' make installcheck ``` FYI. Best, Dianjin Wang On Fri, Dec 6, 2024 at 11:00 AM Ed Espino <> wrote: > Hi Cloudberry developers, > > I've been working on improving our build documentation to make it easier > for > new contributors to get started with Cloudberry development. I've created a > comprehensive guide focused specifically on building Cloudberry from source > on Rocky Linux 9. > > You can find the draft here: > > > > Key aspects of this guide: > - Written with PostgreSQL developers in mind > - Clear prerequisites and system requirements > - Step-by-step build instructions > - Troubleshooting common build issues > > This is the first part of a larger documentation effort. I plan to follow > up > with guides covering: > 1. Creating a demo cluster > 2. Running development tests > 3. Common development workflows > > I'd appreciate your feedback on: > - Technical accuracy > - Clarity of instructions > - Missing information > - Areas that need more detail > > Does this documentation align with your experience building Cloudberry? > What > could make it more helpful for new contributors? > > Best regards, > -=e > > -- > Ed Espino > Apache Cloudberry (incubating) & MADlib >