
You can try the kafka_fdw of Cloudberry version
<https://github.com/cloudberry-contrib/kafka_fdw>, the component has been
adapted to cloudberry, can work normally.
If you encounter any problems, you can ask directly.

On Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 7:37 AM M.Yousaf Maqsood <m.yousaf.maqs...@gmail.com>

> Hi Team,
> I hope you are doing well. According to the cloudberry documentation,  If
> we talk about real time streaming , like fetching data in real time
> streaming from informix to greenplum.   Can you please share the guide if
> this is possible ?
> Kind regards,
> Muhammad Yousaf Maqsood
> Cell# +923134039397
> LinkedIn profile: muhammadyousafmaqsood

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