
Daniel Keir Haywood updated CAUSEWAY-3529:
    Fix Version/s:     (was: 2.1.0)

> Make error messages due to incomplete MM more friendly to point to the 
> solution (current says: "framework bug", which isn't true).
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: CAUSEWAY-3529
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAUSEWAY-3529
>             Project: Causeway
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Core
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.0-RC2
>            Reporter: Daniel Keir Haywood
>            Assignee: Daniel Keir Haywood
>            Priority: Minor
> [13:01] ...I'm stuck with this Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: 
> framework bug: missing ActionInvocationFacet on action 
> org.incode.module.classification.dom.impl.applicability.Applicability#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
> [13:05] ...It points to a (suspected) runtime generated method called public 
> abstract int compareTo(Object object) method. That is another method than the 
> public compareTo(Applicability other) method in the class.
> [13:14] ...
> It happens during the validation stage of running the fixture script during a 
> @PostConstruct of : fixtureScripts.runFixtureScript(new 
> ApplicabilitySeederScript(ApplicabilityDataForLease.class), null);
> [13:14] ...
> When I replace the @PostConstruct with a MetamodelEvent variant it seems that 
> there isn't an exception anymore.
> [13:15] Dan HaywoodAh, in which case I don't think this is a bug.  The 
> framework only guarantees that the metamodel is fully built when that event 
> fires.
> ​
> [13:29] ...So when the metamodel still is being built these strange 
> behaviours can occur. Leading you deep into the woods.
> ​
> [13:31] Dan HaywoodWell, yes.  But I think it's reasonable?  Perhaps we can 
> improve the error message somehow, though?  
> ​
> [13:50] ...If you can assert that the metamodel still is being constructed 
> you can add that to the error message so the user can look into using the 
> right initialisation phase for the fixturescript to run.
> ​
> [13:51] Dan HaywoodYes, I like that idea, thanks.  

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