+1 for me as well (I had the same experience as Andi running the apps on Java 11. Adding the option -Dspring-boot.run.jvmArguments="--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED" indeed worked.)
Thank you Dan! mvn -version Apache Maven 3.9.4 (dfbb324ad4a7c8fb0bf182e6d91b0ae20e3d2dd9) Maven home: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/maven/3.9.4/libexec Java version: 21, vendor: Homebrew, runtime: /opt/homebrew/Cellar/openjdk/21/libexec/openjdk.jdk/Contents/Home Default locale: en_NL, platform encoding: UTF-8 OS name: "mac os x", version: "13.2.1", arch: "aarch64", family: "mac" Best regards / Met vriendelijke groet, Johan Doornenbal M 06 227 666 28 jo...@yodo.nl <jo...@filternet.nl> www.yodo.nl Griene Daam 7 9084 DG Goutum Op di 3 okt 2023 om 00:43 schreef Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk >: > Folks, > > I've just cut a new release of the Apache Causeway Framework. > > The source code zip artifact has been uploaded to a staging repository on > https://repository.apache.org, along with its corresponding .asc > signature. > > In the source code repo the code has been tagged as causeway-2.0.0-RC3-RC1; > see https://github.com/apache/causeway/tags > > To verify the source code itself, you can use the following commands > (in an empty directory): > > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > VERSION=2.0.0-RC3 > RC=RC1 > NEXUSREPONUM=1007 > > curl https://downloads.apache.org/causeway/KEYS > /tmp/KEYS > gpg --import /tmp/KEYS > > rm -rf causeway-$VERSION > > curl -O -L > > https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/causeway/release-$VERSION-$RC/scripts/verify-causeway-release.sh > > chmod +x ./verify-causeway-release.sh > ./verify-causeway-release.sh $NEXUSREPONUM $VERSION $RC > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > > You can then test the helloworld or simpleapp starter apps, see: > https://causeway.staged.apache.org/comguide/latest/verifying-releases.html > . > > You can also inspect the website in general, available at: > https://causeway.staged.apache.org. > > Please verify the release and cast your vote. > The vote will be open for a minimum of 72 hours. > > [ ] +1 > [ ] 0 > [ ] -1 >