Hi Antoine,

Great, Stefan (cc) is also interested in this topic and it may be interesting 
to sync with him. I did some preliminary experiments on this topic in a 
throw-away branch [1]. This implementation does not support nested data types 
and, as discussed in [2], it may be a good idea to have a look at the 
implementation of geoparquet in Apache Sedona [3].



[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-baremaps/pull/851
[2] https://github.com/apache/incubator-baremaps/issues/849
[3] https://sedona.apache.org/1.4.1/

> On 5 May 2024, at 13:56, Antoine Drabble <antoine.drab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Bertil,
> Thank you for listing all these nice topics. I am interested in the
> Overture geoparquet topic and would love to take a look at it when I have
> time.
> Of course it would be great if we organize a call to discuss those topics
> and see what would be the best for Baremaps.
> Have a great day,
> Antoine Drabble
> On Wed, 1 May 2024, 12:08 Bertil Chapuis, <bchap...@gmail.com> wrote:e a
> great day
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Thank you very much for taking the time to verify the artifacts of
>> Baremaps v0.7.3. Overall, I think the release process got a lot smoother
>> and most of the heavy lifting necessary to comply with the Apache license
>> is behind us. Exciting times ahead! :D
>> For the next iteration, it would be great to set a roadmap and to get as
>> many people involved. The goal is to create a community and to get other
>> developer involved, so do not hesitate to express your needs and to
>> advertise the project.
>> For instance, here are a few issues that have been reported:
>> - Add the ability to serve multiple tilesets with a single process
>> (julsbreakdown)
>> - Add support for multiple databases (julsbreakdown)
>> - Add support for Overturemap parquet files (fgravin)
>> - Partial automation of the release process
>> - Release of maven artifacts
>> - Better modularisation of the project (osm parser, etc.)
>> - Improvements to the documentation
>> - etc.
>> If some of you are interested we can organise a video meeting to discuss
>> this roadmap and/or a more general onboarding session.
>> Best,
>> Bertil
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