> 1) We currently have two README, one for welcoming on GitHub and giving 
> information to developers (README.md) and another one for the release 
> I feel like in the bin release, we should only have the release README and in 
> the src release do we need both, or can we only add the release README as 
> well?

Personally, I have a preference for a README.md file for GitHub, a dedicated 
README file for the src distribution and a possibly a third dedicated README 
file for the binary distribution. After reading the current README file, I 
think it doesn’t make sense to have it in the binary distribution.

To prevent confusion at the root of the GitHub repository, we could move the 
README files for the source release and for the binary distribution in another 
directory (e.g. baremaps-cli/src/assembly).

> 2) How close does the src release need to be from the git repository?
> We currently manually define the files that we want in the configuration of 
> the assembly plugin. Is this a good practice?

From what I understand the release should only include files which are 
compliant with the Apache License and at the same time be sufficient to build 
the software.

In our case, we have test files which are apparently not compliant with the 
Apache License, but necessary to make baremaps robust (e.g. openstreetmap 
data). I think we should consider using the assembly plugin to exclude these 
files from the release. I don’t think it is realistic to rewrite synthetic 
versions of these files for the sole purpose of testing. I’m not sure if it is 
a good practice, but at least it sounds pragmatic ;)

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