

> Le 16 juin 2024 à 08:10, Jaikiran Pai <jaiki...@apache.org> a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> 4 years back in 2020, we initiated an vote to EOL 1.9.x release versions of 
> Apache Ant. We didn't receive enough votes at that time to formalize it 
> (which is OK). The last release of Ant 1.9.x release series was back in 2021 
> and that was a security fix. The Ant 1.9.x branch hasn't seen any recent 
> commits in around 2 years. At the same time the Ant master branch from where 
> we do the 1.10.x release has been active with bug fixes and relatively 
> smaller enhancements. We have been releasing Ant 1.10.x regularly too.
> Ant 1.9.x allows Java 5 as a runtime whereas Ant 1.10.x requires Java 8 as 
> the minimal runtime. The support for Java 5 has been the sole reason why the 
> last few times we proposed EOLing 1.9.x, the vote didn't pass. Having said 
> that, I (one of the release managers of Ant) haven't had access to Java 5 for 
> several years now. Plus, Ant 1.9.x doesn't have several of the bug fixes that 
> have gone into Ant 1.10.x since the past several years. The decision to not 
> backport bug fixes from 1.10.x into 1.9.x has been intentional, it not easy 
> to maintain Java 5 compatibility for code changes, plus the development time 
> and testing time for such backports isn't something that we wanted to invest 
> in. So effectively, Ant 1.9.x currently lacks features and fixes when 
> compared to 1.10.x.
> Given all this, I would like to officially call for vote to EOL 1.9.x 
> releases. What that would mean is that there won't be any more Ant 1.9.x 
> releases. Ant 1.9.16, the last release in this 1.9.x series, 3 years back, 
> would officially be the last one. If users do want to use that version, they 
> can continue to do so by getting it from the usual Apache Ant download page.
> Having EOLed 1.9.x, the Ant team can then solely focus on 1.10.x and that 
> makes it much more simpler to deal with managing the project infrastructure 
> as well as code changes. As usual, please cast your vote by replying to the 
> list.
> This vote will close in 72 hours, no earlier than 19 June 2024, 06:30 UTC.
> -Jaikiran
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